Our best pictures of the Auroras

Pictures of the Northern Lights in Iceland

Northern Lights pictures: 1st of December 2023:

Pictures from 2023

The Northern Lights in Iceland

Come with Lilja Tours on a private Northern Lights Hunt

The science behind the Auroras

If our planet, and especially Iceland, is a prime choice of location to enjoy the Northern Lights, the origin of this phenomenon comes from a very distant place. Everything begins 150 millions kilometers away from us, on the sun.

Our star constantly blows charged particles in space, even more so during sun storms. Those particles travel through our solar system, through space, and eventually, our planet, will be on the trajectory of those particles.

When the particles hit the magnetic field surrounding our planet, this field will redirect the particles towards our pole. These particles will then penetrate our atmosphere, and react with the gases in it, especially oxygen and nitrogen.

When this reaction happens, it emits light, and this light creates … The Northern Lights

Our Northern Lights Tours

We offer different Northern Lights private tours. You can either join us on a Northern Light classic hunt or combine it with a day tour